We tried to book on the early morning ferry from Armadale but unfortunately it was booked out so we had to opt for the 11:45am one. The positive would be we would get a good rest. However that was not to be. A group of young cyclist arrived later in the evening and were quite loud and then through the night a young baby was crying lots so kept us up alot. So the long lye turned into awake at 6 with very little sleep. Today was a tough day for me mentally. I was starting to feel it with the lack of sleep. The rain had started through the night so the usual process of using the shammy to dry the tent up before packing away and heading south to Armadale. Infact the sun came out and it was a nice drive down and we did it in quick time. Over we went across to mallaig. Leg 2 complete and a sense of relief.We were now over the half way point. We headed for Fort William. The drive along was actually lovely. It was nice to see the hills from ground level rather than going over the top of them which is mostly what we did up north. The sun shining on the calm waters made for lovely viewing. We had planned to stop at Glenfinnan viaduct but there was lots of work going on so we skipped by it. We needed a break from driving so headed up Neptune’s stair case. Seen it many times but never been up it all, so that was nice to do and stretch the legs at the same time. Hungry and tired, we headed to shop to get a health salad for lunch followed by an unhealth cream eclair. We met Bobby’s friend Mick and his kids in there old Bedford camper. 1964 it was made. Incredible that’s its still going. We both drove into the Red Squirrel at Glencoe where we had been offered 2 nights accommodation if we needed it. Great offering of kindness. I was begining to get exhausted and the thought of putting the tent up was just that, a thought. On we went though and fired it up in no time. Bobby started cooking some potatoes and we bought a cooked chicken. So nice not to be having fast food. Once all was set up I began to relax a bit and enjoyed some time around the fire and singing some songs while Dechlan and Mick played the ukulele. The rain came lightly on and off and we got a nice rainbow. It wasn’t long before the rain came down heavy and everything was getting soaked so we called it a night and headed off to bed.
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Not surprised you’re feeling weary! The weather’s definitely been a challenge for you. But so many special moments along the way. You’re doing great! Enjoy some R & R and some good company before you dig in again. 10/10 for sheer grit and determination. ❤️